February 2 is a cross-quarter day in the earth-based spiritual calendar. Imbolc, as it is known, is the half-way point between the Winter Solstice and the first day of Spring. As you might expect, it’s energy is all about getting ready to welcome the return of the light, of growing things, of life. The day also honors Brigid, both goddess and saint, who had a soft heart for the poor. One story says that she confronted the owner of a large parcel of land and obtained that property for the peasants by getting him to agree that the peasants could have whatever land Brigid’s cloak would cover. Her cloak miraculously stretched to cover the whole area, and the landowner reluctantly agreed to keep his promise. Brigid’s hand-fashioned cross (shown below) made of the rushes protects many an Irish home from fire and evil.
I love the easy flow between Christian and Pagan calendars in the Celtic tradition, exemplified today by the celebration of Brigid who is accepted as both a sainted holy woman and a goddess. Is it possible to let this openness to spill over into other aspects of our lives? Can we stop holding labels in such high regard, and focus instead on the heart, the intention and what is common between us?
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